sunee LAUNCH


Direction & Filming, Photography, Marketing Strategy
January 2021 | Sydney, Australia


To create a social event and launch Sunee App we created a flat lay stop-motion grid for the instagram that revealed letters to uncover a hidden password for the website. Focusing on the enjoyable and convenient aspects of the Sunee App, we created a video of ordinary scenarios with extraordinary actions.


the lead-up

To build hype for the launch of the Sunee App, we created two short videos that pointed to the fact that something big was coming. Featuring Sarah’s son, fox, we had to work quickly to keep him from getting antsy.



We created a social event on Sunee’s Instagram for the launch. The audience was met with a grid where each square was a separate stop-motion video. Spread throughout the grid were hidden letters revealed in the videos, and these letters, when unscrambled, would reveal the password to access the website.


/ Eveness Art Therapy - Devika


Sign / Adobe